EMBRACE “Physical Health and Mental Well-Being of cold water exposure “

Who we are


EMBRACE is a community-run outdoor swimming group, made up of people of all ages and abilities, who have discovered the benefits both physical and
mental-of cold water therapy through dipping at some of our most beautiful locations.
EMBRACE was set up in Larne Area with the help support and guidance of leading local charity EXTERN.
EMBRACE are in the water most weekdays 10.30am and weekends 10.00am in suitable spots around Larne including Ballygally, Drainsbay, Gleno Waterfall
and other locations around Northern Ireland.
EMBRACE facilitators are not only trained in a number of water safety courses but are also trained in supporting emotional well-being and have the
confidence to recognise signs and symptoms of common mental health issues.
EMBRACE also have a Knit n Natter, Book Club and Walking group.

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