Larne Area Community Support Group

Who we are

Larne Area Community Support Group

Larne Area Community Support Group is a well respected local volunteer led not for profit organisation making positive changes within the Larne area and empowering our community.

Originally, we began on social media as a response hub set up at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and since has grown into a thriving, inclusive virtual community space. We have grown since, and are now involved in various projects within Larne, including Larne’s first ever Community Fridge, located at Larne Promenade, an IncreEDIBLE Garden, Community Orchard and a fantastic up-and-coming Visit Larne tourism hub supported by Brighter Futures.

In the past we have been involved in many projects across Larne with various organisations and local charities such as Extern, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council and Larne Renovation Generation. We welcome collaboration with others who share our aims and vision for an inclusive, environmentally friendly and welcoming Larne.

In our social media hub, where it all began, you will find support and information on a whole host of topics. From practical assistance & well-being support, to information on services operating within the Larne area and across Northern Ireland in the form of our Resource Guide.

In April 2022 we launched Larne Community Fridge and IncrEDIBLE Garden Action Project at Larne Promenade, an inclusive project aimed at educating the local community around the joy of growing together, saving food waste and helping the environment. In November 2022 we expanded, launching Larne’s first ever Community Orchard in Larne’s Town Park, hosting apple, pear and plum trees along with fruit bushes for all to enjoy.

Together, we are stronger.

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