
Whitehead Community Association

Who we are

Whitehead Community Association

The Association promotes diversity, especially cross-community, and endeavours to make every person welcome, regardless of religion, ethnic identity, political beliefs, disability, sex, race, creed or nationality. The Association promotes the benefits of the Whitehead area by associating with statutory and local authorities, voluntary organisations, residents and visitors, in a common effort to advance education, promote and foster a community spirit in favour of equality and diversity, and to provide or assist in the provision of facilities in the interest of social welfare for recreation.

Community Support: By providing a range of community spaces the Association is able to support multiple leisure, education and community groups. The Centre is a conduit for Community & local visitor information, providing signposting for welfare and leisure activities.
Business Accommodation: The Centre provides and manages a range of small business units that are available to local residents. It offers start-up business accommodation on flexible terms to support new employment for the benefit of local residents and adding to the diversity of commercial offerings within the town.

Annual Events: The Association aims to deliver 3 annual events in support of its objects, each of these are run to foster community spirit and pride in the town.
Public Benefit: The public benefit resulting from the Association’s work is the creation of social cohesion, allowing Whitehead and its environs to develop together as a community, offering chances for people to meet and work together, developing skill sets and widening the circle of social interaction and influence


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